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E36 spare parts

Discussion in 'E36 (1992-1999)' started by Autohaus, Jul 16, 2008.

    Autohaus guest

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    For the NY Patroon Chapter rally drive and lunch/dinner on Sunday, July 27th I will bring spare parts with me that I recently obtained. They include rear clear taillights, air mass flow sensors (I think:D), ASC switch, a couple of heated switches, onboard computer, few exterior pieces and other bits and pieces. Also for sale is a complete exhaust manifold (with wires, compturs and looks like a big spider!) that came out of a 1997 528. I know it will fit the 98 528i and also the 1997-98 E36 328i (same engine as the E39 version). I have no idea how much that part costs new (maybe in the 800 range)? All parts, make offer!
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    I want the M50/2 engine. :(

    Autohaus guest

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    The M52TU has more torque and a few more ponies compared to the M52. I need to find the part number for this to see if it would fit the M52TU, but I doubt it.....

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