I snapped the fuel filter mounting clip bolt during a fuel filter change. I did use PB Blaster to loosen it up however it still snapped. There is about 1/8 inch sticking out however it won't budge. What about bolt extractors? Pelican sells two different sets: http://www.pelicanparts.com/BMW/catalog/shopcart/TOOL/POR_TOOL_CAT332_pg6.htm http://www.pelicanparts.com/BMW/catalog/shopcart/TOOL/POR_TOOL_CAT332_pg7.htm I found the part here (15,16) http://www.realoem.com/bmw/showparts.do?model=HD63&mospid=47404&btnr=16_0134&hg=16&fg=15 Which set makes the most sense for this job? Not sure what size bolt I'm dealing with Thanks
On RealOEM, that bolt looks like it's a part that should separate from the bracket, but I'm guessing in your case it's rusted to whatever flange or body part secures the bracket to the body. I don't know that you'd need a drill extractor, you might just be able to drill it out. However, you might want to be cautious of drilling and/or generating sparks in close proximity to fuel lines, vapors, the filter, etc. Be careful not to drill into the body either. Perhaps try to isolate that area from the lines, etc w/ tape, or something. Keep a fire extinguisher handy. Heavily never-sieze the new bolt/nut so next time it will loosen more easily. Good luck!