i have an ongoing issue with the factory alarm, i am not exactly sure what model alarm i have but i do have 3 buttons on my key and the rear view mirror has the i.r. reciever at the bottom. here is the issue, i cannot turn off alarm off with the key i have replaced the transmitter and tried to initialize per the owners manual. still not working the only thing i could do to get my car running is to pull the blue fuse at the module (located under rear seat drivers side attached to benchseat bulkhead) disconnect the battery and reonnect the battery, leave the fuse out and the car will run but no O.B.C. if anyones knows what this alarm system is named and knows how to "hard reset" please educate me thanks, g.l.
http://www.bmwe34.net/e34main/maintenance/electrical/prog_remote.htm http://www.bmwe34.net/e34main/upgrade/obc.htm
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