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E30 crazy instruments fixed

Discussion in 'E30 (1984-1993)' started by Brian Cassity, Oct 14, 2009.

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    Brian Cassity

    Post Count: 27
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    A while back I sought advice on speedo and tach that were off and on as they saw fit, a temp. guage that did not work at all. New senders for speedo and temp. no help; new s.i.m. board no help; finally a new middle board and the whole thing works perfect. Only paid $125 thru e-bay "Car Parts Discount" for the Programa brand. Quick shipping and well packaged.
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    John in VA

    Post Count: 624
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    Congrats! Who was the eBay seller? I didn't find anything with "Car Parts Discount."

    Tahoe guest

    Post Count: 45
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    My E30 speedo and odo weren't working at all so I pulled it, sent it to North Hollywood Speedometer, paid $150 and it was returned working like new.
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    Post Count: 3,989
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    Programa was a Roundel advertiser in past years - are they selling stuff on EBay now?

    aurelius guest

    Post Count: 3
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    Not sure what you mean by s.i.m. board but the typical (and cheap) fix for these symptoms is to replace the batteries on the SI (service indicator) board. There is a how-to here:


    Batteries Plus, a chain of battery stores, has replacement batteries and will usually help you with battery removal and re-soldering. Not sure if Radio Shack stocks these batteries.

    While the instrument cluster is out and if it has not already been done, replace the odometer gears. Detailed instructions at odometergears.com .
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    Post Count: 13
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    Good info. Luckily this is one of the few things on my car that hasn't broken.
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    Brian A

    Post Count: 659
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    Another alternative is to convert the SI board to using standard rechargable AA batteries as documented in May 2007 Roundel.

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