Can anyone give me a lead(s) on center hubcaps that would fit the oem 61/2X14 for an '89 325is? Can the center hubcaps for the 15" basketweaves fit the 61/2" basketweaves? Thanks for any info.
It looks like ebay sellers have simply lost their mind on selling prices for those - try using various searches on, check Roundel advertisers, and stick a wanted ad in the Roundel classifieds, as well as your local chapter forums/ads (presuming they have such), and local craigslist. If there are any indy long-time BMW specialist shops in your area, might ask if they have a set.
The center caps from 14 inch wheels and 15 inch wheels are different. When looking for a 15 incher you can get them from the e34s, sorry I know that doesn't help you and yes they are silly expensive now days.