I've attempted to obtain this information and cannot find it anywhere. My convertible top is retracted. The boot release only unlocks the passenger side. I can't find the mechanism on the driver's side to manually open the boot. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
I searched on the web but couldn't find the information Have you checked the Bentley manual (you did buy one, didn't you?)? This manual is a must for DIY'ers, and immediately pays for itself with the first DIY you do on your car. I can keep searching, but your best bet in the long run is to purchase a manual like this for your car. Most of us don't want to give you the wrong information, or worse, should you put too much "torque" on a part then be in for a very expensive replacement. The manual is available from http://www.bentleypublishing.com I found some information in the following links for you http://www.bimmerboard.com/forums/posts/51473 http://www.bimmerboard.com/forums/e30/search/?q=latch&forum=e30
Here are a few photos I took for you of the driver's side latch mechanism in my 1987 325ic. The main latch is operated by two bowden cables entering through a very narrow passageway through sheet metal. In the photos the drivers-side main latch has the yellow spring. The secondary latch is inboard and purely mechanical. The long bowden cable curving out of the image goes to the passenger-side latch. I also include a photo of the "boot lid" (is that really what it's called?). The other side of the main latch is bolted on to the boot lid, so maybe you can squeeze a socket in there to remove that part. ... okay, I went and measured: it's a 10mm. I would check the plastic latch lever first, to see if it's pulling both bowden cables. Then, well, I don't know.
Greg- There is tension on the latch mechanisms on both sides. I occasionally have the same experience you're having with my '87 Cab but the top cover does partially unlatch on the driver's side. I have to reach in and push the lever the rest of the way to get it to release. Does your driver's side latch release at all?
I just bought a '87 325i convertible and have a top issue too. I can get the top down but it doesn't fit into the comparment (boot). I had it checked out by a local shop and they said I need a specific part number replaced to release the top to move (#18 on the following diagram in the link below). The folks they deal with don't have the part, nor do the dealerships carry them (per the shop). The shop stated that the release was rusted and needed to be replaced--noting they could take it apart, grease it, and put it back together for about $400. They were able to pop it open with a screw driver--they will show me how to do this when I pick it up later today. They also suggested reaching out to the forum to try to find the part noted above--any suggestion on the best forum to look for this part would be appreciated. Thanks! JP # 51251932339 LATCH RELEASE http://www.bmwmobiletradition-onlin...el=BA73&mospid=47325&btnr=41_0805&hg=41&fg=55
Why not order the part from mobile tradition for $55? $400 to clean up the old part sounds like robbery to me.