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Drive COTA

Discussion in 'Pacific Region' started by JarekSanto, Dec 30, 2014.

    JarekSanto guest

    Post Count: 33
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    Cantrell Motorsports is putting together a trip for April 24-26 at COTA.

    We are also looking at Button Willow, Chuckwalla, Auto Club and Thermal.

    The only trip that you must commit to is COTA. All the others are optional.

    Each trip is about a month apart starting at the end of January.

    If interested contact Cantrell ASAP. We plan to ship cars with in a couple of weeks. We need just one more driver/car.

    Hope you can find a way to make it. Going to be one hell of a trip. I will leave you with a question to ponder...

    On your death bed will you say to yourself, "I shouldn't have gone to COTA."

    Or will you say, "Wow... What an experience!!! Put me back in the car for one last hot lap!!!!"

    I know what I want to be saying!!! :)


    JarekSanto guest

    Post Count: 33
    Likes Received:3
    Cantrell Motorsport has organized a winter trip to Souther California and Texas, there is still room for one more driver.

    Five tracks including COTA!!!!

    www.buttonwillowraceway.com - Jan 24-25th
    www.willowspringsraceway.com - Feb 7-8th
    www.thethermalclub.com - March 1-2nd
    www.goracecvr.com - March 28-29th (Chuckwalla)
    www.circuitoftheamericas.com - April 24-26th

    The only required event is COTA. How often will you have the opportunity to drive an F1 track?

    All the events (except Thermal Club) will be run by www.speedventures.com. I've run with SV several times in the past and it is a good organization.

    The Thermal Club is a private track and getting access to it is very rare. Plus, there are no track fees for this event.

    Cantrell's truck it leaving around Jan 9-12th.

    If you have any interest give Colin Cantrell a call.

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