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Does the AC circuit affect the fuel map?

Discussion in 'E30 (1984-1993)' started by Odiekokee, Jun 14, 2008.

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    Well, my car HAD an AC system....still has most of it. Wouldn't' stay charged, and I never used it. When I did the timing belt/water pump series, I intentionally left the compressor belt off, since it wasn't driving anything but the compressor I didn't use, and I wanted that little extra power and fuel economy.

    Yesterday, I was actually thinking about the fact that the AC controls the aux electric fan, so I turned it on to see if I could hear that fan kick on.....I didn't, but I noticed my RPM went up about 250rpm at idle. Well, it was time to leave the light by then, but later on once I hit the highway, I did it again, and noticed a little bump in the engine power.

    Nothing huge, but enough to notice. The afm/pwm/mpg gauge (whatever you call that thing) went down a little, but I backed off the pedal and got the gauge where it was, and maintained the same speed. If I maintained the pedal the same spot, I gained speed. It was just odd. (yes, I played with it for the next 15 miles of my trip home :D)

    Anybody know what/why? Is it SUPPOSED to be like that? Thanks
    Byron, Ecru, Mississippi

    P.S. Never did notice that aux fan either....got distracted.....oo....what's that shiny over there.. :rolleyes:

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