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DIY - AvinUSA Avant-2 installation guide including DSP work around and DVR camera

Discussion in 'E53 X5 (2000-2006)' started by raichean, Jun 12, 2015.

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    Hey all!

    I wanted to share my lessons learned here during my Avant-2 installation into my new (to me) E53 X-5! I have installed this deck now in a number of other cars, and the E53 presents a number of different challenges. That also includes I didn't realize the impact (or issue) with a DSP vehicle prior to me getting started on the installation! OOOPS!

    I have worked with Tommy of AvinUSA extensively and I cannot be more complimentary of him. Not only did he talk me down out of the Tree of Panic I was in regarding the DSP system, but is always super responsive and fantastic to work with. Because of his help in research, I was able to synthesize a very simple solution for the DSP system, from about five other sources online. The solution isn't entirely unique, but it took combining a number of other suggestions from other sources to get it to work, plus give a simple answer.

    I wanted to share my guide here so everyone can learn from what I learned, and ideally even improve upon it!

    The Avant-2 deck simply said, is absolutely fantastic! For me, I see it as being better than almost every other offering out there, including new OEM offerings of current vehicles. If you are wondering if you should install this deck? Don't hesitate, DO IT! Not only will it, in my opinion, improve your existing systems (and potentially tear out a deck that has the pin display failing and other known issues) but also will add a tremendous amount of new technology as well.

    The PDF guide is slightly too large for attachment here, so I have uploaded it to my OneDrive and set to share. Any questions let me know, and I always welcome feedback.

    Document link

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