To pick up on Shelbyvnt's earlier sentiments somewhat buried in another thread... Congrats on making the Roundel! (uh, yeah, mine popped up in the mailbox thankfully sooner than expected) Now... just get Satch to get your last name spelled right in the masthead credits!
Thank you very much! It's an incredible honor to grace the pages of such a fine publication! Now, if only the writers block would go away....
My issued arrived today. Congratulations on a great article! I am sure that you will find plenty of topics to write about.
I'm not sure if that helped me out or not, but at least it was amuzing. Instead of looking at cat videos, I've found myself diving deep into the realm of old pictures of "the one" and I. Ah, the adventures we get into..if only they were adventures that were interesting to people other than me! My personal favorite on "Putting Off":
Adding my .02... Read the article in Roundel yesterday...nice job Nikki!!! Looking forward to your next installment...
Good start. I still also like the online piece about the guy who commented on you having 'just a 1series'. You must have been looking rather executive that day! Alas I have driven a 1during an ultimate drive event and they are engaging to drive. Of course all that really matters is hat you enjoy driving the car and its the right vehicle for you. Look forward to hearing more of your adventures in Roundel!