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Clarification on Rewards Rebate

Discussion in 'Membership Rewards Rebate' started by TomF, May 31, 2016.

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    TomF BMW EnthuZiast

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    Earlier this year there were two documents linked to on the Vehicle Rebates page, one was a FAQ, the other was a List of Correct Documents. I downloaded these documents. Now the links are no longer there. I can find these documents on the BMW CCA website by doing a Google search, but not a local site search. The only link on the Vehicle Rebates page now is to the application.

    I need clarification (actually this is for someone else) that all that is needed for a rebate for European Delivery is a copy of the rebate form and the pink Acceptance Receipt that is in the delivery packet given to new owners at BMW Welt.

    Also, clarification that an odometer reading is NOT required for European Delivery.

    Finally, is the M2 eligible for the rebate? The Vehicle Rebates page states that all 2 series models are eligible, but it doesn't specifically include the M2, like the M3 and the M4 are specifically included for the 3 Series and 4 Series models. Also, the i8 is the only model specifically excluded. I'm speculating that this is because the M2 is new and the page hasn't yet been updated.
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    TomF BMW EnthuZiast

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    Just in case someone actually comes here looking for these answers, here's what I was told by Michelle Maldonado, Rebate Administrator:

    For Euro Delivery cars, the only two things required are:
    • The BMW CCA Membership Reward Application (AKA Rebate Application, Rebate Form, Application, Check Request) which can be downloaded in PDF here: https://www.bmwcca.org/sites/default/files/content/page/MembershipRewardRebateApplication.pdf or found in the back of any issue of the Roundel.
    • A COPY (not the original) of the pink copy of the Acceptance Receipt that you signed at BMW Welt and is in the packet of paperwork that was given to you at BMW Welt prior to your vehicle pick up.
    There is no odometer reading required for Euro Delivery vehicles.

    Also, don't forget: the rebate request MUST be postmarked if mailed, or received if sent via e-mail, within 60 days of the US vehicle delivery date or the Munich European Delivery pick up date. (NO EXCEPTIONS!)

    Note that you do not have to mail these documents to BMW CCA, they can also be scanned and submitted via e-mail to: rewards@bmwcca.org.

    Finally, the M2 is eligible for the rebate ($500) because it is a 2 Series car, which is eligible. Previous versions of the rebate form specifically mentioned the M3, M4, M5, and M6, but did not mention the M2, probably because the form hadn't yet been updated, which confused some people.
    MGarrison likes this.
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    steven s

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    Further clarification. The 2016 M2 is included in the rebate.
    BMW can not say at this time about the 2017 M2.

    hmanson guest

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    My name is Hugh Manson and I go by "Rosty" and live in the New Orleans area. I've been a member since the mid 70's with a few years missing when I was BMW-less in the early 80's. I put an application in (by email) for a rebate for a new i3 that I purchased in September and received a confirmation reply from Michelle saying that all looked in order and the processing should take about 3 months. Since it has been almost 2 months I got on the BMW CCA site to check status and received a message stating "
    Rebate is not available (due to incomplete AA/SSO project)"
    I don't know what this means and am concerned something was incorrect on my application. Hasanyone here received this message or know what it means. Thanks in advance for any light you can shed on this.
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    TomF BMW EnthuZiast

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    We took Euro Delivery in July and submitted our rebate request on August 10, almost 3.5 months ago. I just checked the status and got the same message.

    I've e-mailed Michelle Maldonado, Rebate and Raffle Administrator for clarification. I'll post her reply here when it's received.
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    steven s

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    By any chance, are you both using IE?
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    Did you ever receive a reply to your question from Michelle? I have the same issue and have emailed but not received a reply. Thanks.
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    TomF BMW EnthuZiast

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    Yes, I did! Fortunately, the rebate check showed up a couple of days after I posted above, and Michelle replied a few days later, saying that a check had already been issued. Unfortunately, due to problems with the new website architecture, whenever I tried to post a reply I got "You do not have proper permissions" or something like that. Turns out that even the above error message "Rebate is not available (due to incomplete AA/SSO project)" was also caused by the same problems, according to Steven Schlossman. I got the same error message when I clicked on "My Garage".

    It appears that I can now post on the forums again, although the "My Garage" link still returns the same error message. I don't get the error message when I click on "Submit/Review Rebates", instead I get "You have no submissions", perhaps because the rebate has already been issued.
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    steven s

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    Not being able to post was a permissions issue. The garage is down on the list of things to wire up.

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