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Checking fuses yields warning lights

Discussion in 'E60 (2004-2010)' started by Shred Sled, Sep 11, 2017.

    Shred Sled guest

    Post Count: 24
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    I was trying to trouble shoot a non-working key fob(s) yesterday in addition to my Comfort Access not working. Changed the battery in the key fob and that did not work, but before I try removing my spoiler (E61 2010 535xi wagon) to look at the diversity module, I started checking fuses in the glove compartment. Well, after seeing no blown fuses and putting them back into their proper slots, I received a 4x4 light malfunction message, Power window anti-trap function! message and SOS call system malfunction! message. In addition, my right rear passenger window does not roll down using either the master driver's switch or the switch on the right rear passenger door.

    The 4x4 malfunction lit up only appeared once and has not come back. The other two warnings lights remain.
    Could I have fried something pulling the fuse(s) and putting them back?
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    Post Count: 2,416
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    Double check to make sure you put the fuses back in the correct location and didn't put them into a blank slot. Easy to tell if you look at the fuse slot both sides of the fuse slot should have metal terminals if only one side has it then that spot was meant to be blank.

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