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Car Shipping - Transport Company Recommendation

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by jzimmerman25, Nov 12, 2008.

    jzimmerman25 guest

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    Howdy all. After a quick search to no avail, thought a new post would be the best bet.

    Could anyone provide a recommendation for a transport company to ship a 330ci from Pennsylvania to California? I would strongly preffer an enclosed trailer.

    Also any guidance on ballpark cost would be greatly appreciated.

    And yes, I would love to do the drive and spend all that quality time with my BMW but just can't squeeze it in right now!

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    I know there is a thread in here somewhere about this topic. I can remember posting to it, but I have done a few searches and keep coming up empty handed! :(

    I used DAS when I bought a car in Hawaii. I was happy with the results, but apparently others have heard bad things about them. Car damage etc. Their transporters are generally not covered, but I think you can pay extra for having your car on a covered transporter.

    Hawaii to Pennsylvania was not cheap, but worth it! I would suggest the road trip though! You can do it in five days and still see some great scenery! :D

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    I shipped an E46 from Los Angeles to Houston a few years ago. The company I used was The Waggoners. They have covered trailers. The car was clean and undamaged upon arrival. I was very pleased with their service.

    M3Driver guest

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    I may be mistaken, but I am pretty sure that is who brought my new M3 to my dealer. The name certainly rings a bell with me. If so that would probably be a good choice. :)

    edmcgrath guest

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    Shipping a car from Pittsburgh to Europe

    Any experience shipping a car from USA or Canada to Europe?

    I live in Pittsburgh but am willing to drive to NY, Toronto, Washington DC, Chicago or simular.

    How long does it take to get the car there? [I don't want to be without my car too long.] Cost? Paperwork? Reliable companies?

    I just love my 2011 X5d and would like to use it while exploring Europe, especially Romania. All suggestions welcome.
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    Intercity lines
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    Wow... sounds ambitious... and expensive.... and risky... just to have your own U.S. vehicle on-hand overseas.

    Not to be a nattering nabob of negativity, but there's reasons I personally wouldn't opt to do that -

    Theft risk - I haven't heard much news about it lately, but I recall generally hearing about not-insignificant risk of theft, particularly of high-end vehicles. I personally wouldn't go to all that expense, hassle, and time, for the risk of my own vehicle being completely lost overseas; that would suck, big-time.

    I don't know about Europe, but getting it through customs there... and, then, back into the country here... Yikes!

    Risk of damage in transit (you're not gonna have the BMW prep centers to perfect any damage at either end of the ocean transits).

    I would have to think that, all things considered, if your trip overseas is a relatively limited time (say, a month or so, maybe longer) you could _rent_ what you want over there, for less money and far less risk, including cost of damage/theft insurance, and sleep far more soundly at night knowing your new X5d is safely ensconced at home (presuming wherever you keep it stateside is secure).

    I think an Atlantic ocean cruise takes about 5 days - so I'd figure a trans-Atlantic journey might not go at full-steam... I'd figure ocean shipping to there would be at least a week, and the same back. And then, what do you do if there's a customs hold-up? Got flexible time-schedules? What do you do if somebody decides to use your vehicle as a drug-transport mule after you drop it off to the shipping company but whomever at the other end doesn't extract the goods before customs? How do you feel about prison time overseas... or here? How ya gonna prove it ain't yours?

    Glad you have such enthusiasm for your new SAV, but to my mind, there's more reasons not to do that; but, hey, if you gotta, well... don't let ME stop ya... just don't say we didn't tell ya so, if the worse happens! :cool:

    I will add the proviso that the only folks I know of shipping cars here to Europe are megabucks collectors sending them there for racing in Europe, or well-coddled vintage tours or rallies, with the high-$$$ vehicles under armed guard when parked while participants sleep and dine. So maybe folks are zipping cars back and forth all the time for casual use overseas and it's not something I'm tuned into... and if that's the case, whoever those folks are likely would have the best information for you on what all is entailed. Best of luck with your overseas journeys, particularly if you haul your own vehicle over there!

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