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car clinic times

Discussion in 'Oktoberfest 2012' started by konrado, Sep 11, 2012.

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    I will be driving in for the car clinic. What time do I need to be there? I am scheduled for the afternoon session. Is the class time only in the morning? I will driving from Cincinnati, OH
    Konrad Omeltschenko
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    Couple of things - Steven S. here may have a better answer, but - the schedule shows the car control clinic being at Mid-Ohio - the highway portion alone (exit-to-exit) from Cincinnati is about 2.5 hours. Once you get off the exit for Mid-Ohio, you'll need to fill up with gas before proceeding to the track, and, you may want to eat, too; you probably won't want to be tossing yourself around in a car all afternoon on an empty stomach. It's likely they'll be serving lunch at Mid-Ohio, but, it's a busy track day, and you'll likely have a long line to contend with at the chow booth with everyone eating more-or-less at the same time. You'll also need to get registered once you get to the track area, so you need to allow time for getting registered. And, there's always the unfortunate possibility of delays on the highway, either construction or accidents. If you're driving up in the morning, I'd say you might want to hit the road no later than 8:00 am, or 9:00 at the absolute latest (which is hoping and counting on no delays) to have time to gas up, eat, find the track, register, and get to wherever the clinic is on track property. Use mapquest and or google maps, along with the aerial views zoomed in, to get an idea of the roadways and recommended directions. Don't trust solely a gps, and stick to the given directions, there are a few out-of-the-way approaches to Mid-Ohio that a gps might possibly go for, adding unnecessary time and miles.

    You'll want to get to the car clinic area enough ahead of time to empty out your car as well, so factor that in (see the "To Participate" section of the Car Control link above). One note - getting off I-71N @ exit 165, you go left to head towards the track - there's a BP and Shell to the right, plus a Burger King and McDonalds. I _think_ there may be a Wendy's to the left, and if you don't opt for gas right near the highway exit, there's a gas station in Lexington shortly before the road for the track. Gas _may_ be available at the track, but, if it is, it will be higher priced.
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    Thanks Marshall!
    I'm not sure of the most current schedule on who is coming when. we have yet to have 100% of the people show in either session with the morning session being the smaller of all so if you have signed up for the CCC and are scheduled in the afternoon and would like to come in the morning it probably won't be a problem.
    I try to start on time to reward those individuals that follow the rules, so please take heed to Marshall's suggestion of getting there early enough to empty your car out. Watch the weather (although I don't think there is a chance of rain) as we will do this if it raining or not and you gotta put your stuff somewhere... we should have a big tent for the classroom portion and you can pile stuff in there but I'd bring a big plastic bag if you could just in case.
    I'll be at the host hotel working in the Foundation booth Monday & Tuesday if you have questions feel free to stop by and say hello!
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    OH I'm Bill Wade by the way...

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