I have a 2014 X3 that is now out of warranty. I will be doing some of the work myself. I am about to change the air filters. I am confused about how many cabin air filters there are. I saw on the internet that there are filters in the engine (not the air filter) and some behind the glove box. What do I need to purchase to replace the cabin air filters? Thanks a lot for the help.
With either last 7 of your vin or production month & year, you can check parts on realoem.com to confirm what to order - best to look up your specific vehicle in case of changing or updated parts, although kinda looks like that's not an issue with the cabin filters. http://www.realoem.com/bmw/enUS/showparts?id=WX93-USA-06-2014-F25-BMW-X3_28iX&diagId=64_1845
There is 4 filters total. Two for main cabin filters and two for recirculation that are in the glove box. The mains are under the hood on the passenger side under the cowl cover.