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BMW steering issues.

Discussion in 'E36 M3 (1995-1999)' started by 527088, Aug 15, 2017.

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    Post Count: 4
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    Hey guys,

    need some help here, so I have my 98 E36. I have problems with me steering wheel and the shaft that goes down into the engine bay. So I get this loud creak with making u-turns and when the steering wheel goes back to its center it makes that creaking noise again. The steering wheel also moves just slightly up and down when pushing up on it. Its quite annoying and was done to by the previous mechanic that worked on it. I am looking for help as far as what parts to get and suggestions on what to do so I can complete this issue on my own.

    Thanks so much for the inputs BMCCA memebers!

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    What was done previously?

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