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BMW CCA sticker: Where does it go?

Discussion in 'DIY (Do-It-Yourself)' started by Forza, Oct 7, 2008.

    Jeron guest

    Post Count: 210
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    I dont quite understand the controversy. I read it through a couple of times but I'm lost.

    Generally, our students get a packet with vinyl numbers and a colored (Green, Blue, Yellow, White)sticker. The numbers are meaning less, the sticker color determines the run group. When they advance to another run group they get a new colored sticker. The colored sticker is a a different shape for each club.

    BMWtoyz guest

    Post Count: 181
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    How did this thread get turned into an "instructor's" stcker conversation, the author was simply asking where his BMW CCA window sticker should go...Geez!

    Autohaus guest

    Post Count: 1,571
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    That my friend is called a thread hijack!

    Jeron guest

    Post Count: 210
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    This may be the first time its happened in the history of the Internet.

    It appears that the OP is apparently long gone.

    Autohaus guest

    Post Count: 1,571
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    The same goes for the OP who started "Best BMW for an 18 yr old".
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    Jeff Gomon South Central Region Vice President

    Post Count: 147
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    Jeron and Chris...you are right....both are AWOL from their original "posts". (sorry for the weak military humor. 10 years active duty will do that to a guy) That said, I apologize if I "hijacked" something....not my intent. Anyway, C.R., thank you for backing up my "story" as it were. I was hoping I was not the only one that knew what I was talking about. Sounds like I missed the part about the vinyl stickers AND the colored sticker being used together. That makes more sense they would just get a different sticker if they were moved up in run group that particular weekend, otherwise, they would just get a new colored sticker at the next school.
    I like sharing ideas. Certainly changing a colored sticker is easier than changing the vinyl number from a 1 to 2 for example. Will bring this up at our next DE meeting. We have our first event in late April so we have a bit of time.

    Autohaus guest

    Post Count: 1,571
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    No worries. I was busting your chops. Or maybe busting your S38 :D

    Jeron guest

    Post Count: 210
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    I wasn't really explaining it in detail at first, just answering the question about the colored sticker.

    Jeron guest

    Post Count: 210
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    I'm on the bike today so I cant send a photo but I just remembered the pics are online from a previous event.

    Heres a pic of me, my student, the sticker, my taped on number. Instructors usually don't get vinyl numbers because many already have permanent numbers.

    Here I am in front of a F430 (that didnt last).

    Heres a good one with some daylight under my inside tire.

    Tolofou guest

    Post Count: 1
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    Sticker? Who has stickers? I have 2002 M3 with no stickers.. Bummer
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    Post Count: 3,990
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    I'm reminded of that old joke....

    "Waiter! Waiter! There's a fly in my soup!!"

    "Madam! Please! Shhhh!!! Everyone will want one!"


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