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Bluetooth- Phonebook Loading

Discussion in 'Audio, Video & Electronics' started by paulyann, Jan 11, 2010.

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    Hi all, I recently got a new cell phone, an LG 8360. My old phone wasthe earlier model LG8350. The old Phone Paired and worked fine with my 2006 325 ci. I paired the new phone with no problem except when i attempt to load the phone book nothing happens. It just says "Loading Phonebook" but it never loads. I can recieve a call but cannot place a call since the pnonebook remains empty.Any help would be appreciated. Is there wa way to manually load the phone book? I only have a couple of dozen numbers so it is not a huge amount to do. Thanks in advance
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    Space Cowboy

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    There are a bunch of LG phones that don't have full Bluetooth implementation. I had an LG model (not the same as yours, but similar) with the same limitation. You cannot transfer the phonebook to the car. The only way around it is to dial from the directory on the phone itself.

    I ended up abandoning the LG.

    MechMan guest

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    I don't know about LG phones, but I went from a Moto Razr (paired fine till the phone died), to a Treo (called, but didn't pair address books).

    Then I happen to see on the phone's website that there was a phone software update (free!), and doing that update brought the phone more in line with the Bluetooth standards - and it started pairing the addressbook perfectly.

    Moral of the story: Check on phone software update availability every few months.

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