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Bleeding brakes on an E36 M3 with ABS/AST

Discussion in 'E36 (1992-1999)' started by Mike Bergin, Aug 31, 2015.

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    Mike Bergin MikeB

    Post Count: 18
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    Does anyone know how to bleed the brakes on the E36 M3 with ABS and AST. I'm told that I have to take it to the dealer so they can set a code for "bleed mode" so the brakes can be bled without engaging the sensors that monitor pressure to the rear calipers. If anyone has any ideas on how to do this without taking the car to the dealer I would appreciate your input. I've owned BMW's for 35 years and this will be the first time to the dealer, I'm thinking it will be the same feeling I get when I have to go to the dentist.
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    Unless you've got a problem with the ABS unit, I have not found the dealer tool to be necessary. Bleed them in the way you've done it with older BMWs. And there are many independent service shops that have the appropriate computer tools for BMWs. See BIMR shops, for example. So even if you can't get a good bleed, a visit to the dealer would not be necessary.
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    Mike Bergin MikeB

    Post Count: 18
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    Thanks to all, I do appreciate your time to respond. This helps a lot.

    Best regards, ---- Mike
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    Mike Bergin MikeB

    Post Count: 18
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    The brakes bled fine with no issues. I used the power bleeder and the brakes feel firm and the car stops great!
    Thanks to all that responded, your input was very helpful.
    Best regards, ----MikeB
    Ken.S.330 likes this.

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