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Best place to sell a new 2008 M3?

Discussion in 'E90/E92/E93 M3 (2008-2013)' started by jcfarber, May 11, 2008.

    jcfarber guest

    Post Count: 4
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    Hello all - been a long time CCA member, just registered on the site. I have a new 2008 M3 in interlagos blue that I got three weeks ago, but have decided I'm going to sell it (got my hands on an R8 I'm going to be driving instead). Am I permitted to post an ad here, or is there another place on the forum to do it?


    Dr Obnxs guest

    Post Count: 122
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    I think...

    that everyone is just too jelous to make any comments. There is a marketplace, but I've never posted in it. Look at the links at the top of the page...

    I drove and R8 recently. Truly an amazing car. Have fun with it.

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    Post Count: 152
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    Let me know

    You've probably sold it by now, shouldn't be hard---when you think of selling the R8 let me know!
    (but I'll still keep my new M3 and old TT).
    Best wishes!

    jcfarber guest

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    OK I posted an ad on the marketplace, but it still hasn't been approved for posting...it's an awesome car, interlagos blue with the black carbon interior, and I'm only asking sticker, so I expect it to go quick!
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    Post Count: 152
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    no trouble selling your M3 for sure

    ...did you see the thread regarding what dealers in Calif. are getting for new M3's and R8's? M3's at about 100K !

    jcfarber guest

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    I know...yet another reason not to live on the left coast! :cool:

    I realize I could probably make some money here if I wanted, but I'd prefer to just sell it quickly and painlessly to a good home and get ready for the R8...

    lugnut guest

    Post Count: 73
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    I don't blame you for ditching the e92 m for an R8. I went to buy an R8 while I was waiting for my M3 to come in, and once they hit me w/ a 20K "market adjustment" on-top of the 112k for the car I happily waited for my M3.

    The R8 is an awesome machine. I was driving w/ one this weekend. Enjoy!

    PS- What color/sideblade combo did you get?

    jcfarber guest

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    I'm getting white with the black carbon side blades. Can't wait.

    lugnut guest

    Post Count: 73
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    Nice! Enjoy it. I wanted black/carbon blades w/ the Tuscan Brown.

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