Uh, you guys are posting... in the future? Post date stamp shows 12-02? I HAVE PERFECTED THE TIME MACHINE! Doubt he would ever be able to stay here. 6 people living in a 3-bedroom apartment, you figure it out! Unless he wants to sleep in the E30 parked on the street...
Uh, you guys are posting... in the future? Post date stamp shows 12-02? I HAVE PERFECTED THE TIME MACHINE! Some really weird things are going on with posting... I just posted this reply as a reply and it showed up as a reply from earlier on, with your comments after this one... really weird... Doubt he would ever be able to stay here. 6 people living in a 3-bedroom apartment, you figure it out! Unless he wants to sleep in the E30 parked on the street...
Moosehead: Are E28 535i parts the same as M535i parts? I am thinking about possibly buying the car. It needs an exhaust and I would like to know if the 535i exhaust will bolt on the M535i.
The US exhaust will fit. The internal motor parts are different and the trans is different, but that is about it.
Have you used realoem.com before? You should give it a try. Anyhow, my belief is that the clutch is the same as the 535i, but the flywheel is likely the same as the 533i and M5.
I forgot about realoem. All (well most) questions will be answered. Do you have pics of your M5? Maybe the OP should buy it.
Chris: Don't forget about realOEM! That is such a great website. I use it all the time, especially when I am wanting to find the part numbers to cool euro parts for my E30s. You know that is the downside to "world" cars. Yeah our new BMWs now look just like the ones across the pond, but now there are no more euro parts to put on them to make the look "cool". That is the nice thing about BMWs from the 70s and 80s. You can get lots of euro parts to make your Bimmer stand out. Grills, lights, bumpers, wheels, etc. Now the only difference is the amber side markers. GR
Maybe Realoem will help the OP get a older BMW so he can make it look "different" than the average E24/E28/E30/E32/E34
That's exactly why I got my wheels. Probably nobody else in this country has them in this offset, and in this size, for this car! Probably because nobody else would be such an idiot to buy 4 20-year-old wheels straight from Germany and pay more to have em' shipped than what they cost... [sigh] The obsession wins again...
Hey I did the same thing you did. I have 15 inch BBS basket weaves on my 84 318i. I bought them on ebay from Germany! I am in the market for a nice set of euro chrome bumpers. Yes the obsession lives on! Vintage cars should have vintage wheels! GR
Why did you tell him that?!? Now he is not unique and has to look for the next bit of kit to make his different from yours!
Daaaaaaaaamn!!! Bumpers were MY next upgrade!!!!!!!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh.... you HAD to take the WHEELS thing from me. Now I have nothing! Uuuuuh.... my engine's bigger than yours! HA!
Sorry I had to do it! Hey we live a couple states apart, so it is okay! Ah your motor is bigger than mine, by a whole litre none the less!!!! You better turn your car into a 327i before I drop an S14 in mine! GR