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Back in or pull in?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Autohaus, Apr 2, 2009.


Back in or pull in?

Back in 11 vote(s) 64.7%
Pull in 6 vote(s) 35.3%
I always parallel park 0 vote(s) 0.0%

    Autohaus guest

    Post Count: 1,571
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    When parking at work, parking lot, driveway and/or garage do you back in or pull straight in? I always back in. Much easier than backing out of a space looking left/right a zillion times making sure you don't hit anything/anyone.
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    steven s

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    I usually back in or drive through a space so I can pull right out.
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    I have always been a back in kind of guy!!! I know that doesn't really sound right! Well I can take the jokes. :p

    But, I always back in, as said above, it is then easier to leave. You have to back up anyway at some point. Beside the cars just look better back in. Been doing this since I got my license and my wife is now a convert.

    Just an FYI for those worried about theft, a rwd car backed in is harder to tow away than if it is pulled in.
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    IMO, the risk is far greater of jacking up your car backing into a space not fully seeing obstacles with mirrors into your garage or a public parking space, than the risk when backing out of other cars whizzing by...

    I vote "pull in"
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    True, but one other plus to backing in, in public spaces, the rear bumper is almost always higher than the curb/wheel stop (what is this thing called it is slipping my mind?). So the risk of damaging your bumpers is less. My front bumpers don't clear anything! :D I wouldn't have it any other way.
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    yeah, that would count if you're oblivious to curbs.
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    Oh... my... God. Are you serious? You started a thread about THIS???

    BTW, backing in FTW. :D
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    I took a Verizon defensive driving class that they give to anyone who drives a company car/truck and they say to pull though or back in. Always pull out when leaving. Supposedly there are less accidents that way.

    Wanderlustbob guest

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    It depends but if possible I back in. My absolute favorite is to "pull through" what I mean is to pull into a space forward but drive through the space into the next row so that I can pull out forward when I leave.

    I've heard in some states it is against the law to face "backwards" in a parking lot. I have no idea why.
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    Almost always back in. You never know when you might need to leave in a hurry. lol

    M3Driver guest

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    Slightly off topic here.....was watching a guy in one of those new sawed-off Mercedes-Chrysler sports cars back in to a parking place at work once. Backed in too far and ran up on the curb. Make a pretty good noise too. He got out and was a bit pale while he inspected the car.

    BTW, always pull straight in myself but leave plenty of room due to the M3's front end.

    BIMMIR guest

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    I agree! I think it's safer. You know where everyone is when you drive in, and have a better view driving out when you leave. I actually scratched the back of my vehicle once beacuse I backed in, at an angle, at the end of the parking lot where nobody else ever parks, and I actually backed into a bush.

    Autohaus guest

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    I feel the same way. I go to the certain extent that I might need to leave not now but right now :D
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    TeamStowell We love driving!

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    I always thought the vehicles were better looking kidneys out, so fashion dictates backing in or the pull-through. Let rookies wander around to the back end if they want to know what they are looking at. :p
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    +1 Rookies can walk around my car and still be just as confused, since my 318i is de-badged and thinking of doing the same on my 328is. :D
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    Satch SoSoCalifortified

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    Back it in. . . and leave it running. . .

    Yeah, when you come running out with a sack of greenbacks in one hand and a Colt 1911A in the other, you don't want to waste a lot of time backing out of your parking space. . .

    :D :D :D
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    Satch SoSoCalifortified

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    Back it in. . . and leave it running. . .

    Yeah, when you come running out with a sack of greenbacks in one hand and a smokin' Colt 1911A in the other, you don't want to waste a lot of time backing out of your parking space. . .

    :D :D :D
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    Post Count: 44
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    lol :D indeed!

    don't forget the cheetos! ;)

    i back in or pull through whenever i can, unless there's some1 driving directly behind me in the parking lot. and may i say i find this thread name and topic very amusing. :) i wonder if there is some sort of psychological correlation to the back in/pull in stats of bimmer drivers? :p
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    I try to park far enough away from the unwashed masses and their bashed & scratched Kia's so I don't have to worry about pulling in straight, backing in or pulling through.

    Out in the hinterlands it's all the same [IMG]

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