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AUX Jack/USB Add-on

Discussion in 'E85 Z4 (2002-2008)' started by htw999, Jul 1, 2020.

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    My 2003 has no steering wheel controls nor Bluetooth or a plug-in with USB or AUX jack. I do have OWM nav, so replacing the head-unit and mp might be expensive. Does anyone know where I can find an after-market plug in with USB or AUZX jack, or both? The BMW add-on is no longer available. Thanks.
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    Pelican may still have a aux kit available. Would need to check for part numbers match also would need coding to make function. Going aftermarket in e85 I haven’t seen done that looks well. If you find something please do share it with the club.
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    Have you checked Grom Audio? You may find the integration unit you need there.
    Mike K.

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