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Auto stop-start malfunction??

Discussion in 'F10/F11 (2010-2017)' started by Rmax, Jul 6, 2017.

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    2013 5 Series GT 80,000 miles new battery about 3 months ago has Auto stop-start malfunction issue?? Primarily encountered when restarting the car after the car has sat for 5 -45 minutes an auto stop-start malfunction message comes up and the car is essentially dead for anywhere from 5 minutes to 2 hours or so.
    The dealer said there were fault codes that needed to be cleared and took $600 and two days to do that with no benefit from supposedly completely reprogramming the car downloading new software. The car is back in the shop, the dealer is unable to reproduce the problem, it seems that the auto stop-start feature malfunction is relatively common is there a solution?
    Any ideas?
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    Is there actually a malfunction message or will the car just never turn off? Do you have the fault codes they have been looking at?

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