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Anti Flex Bars?

Discussion in 'E46 (1999-2006)' started by RussSwift, Jun 16, 2011.

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    Underneath my 2001 330Ci are two, what I suspect are, anti body flex bars or beams. They run from the jacking area on each side to the toward the rear of the vehicle in a V shape, bolted to the vehicle at both ends. What are these called, so I can look up the part and see if I can replace one? Thanx.:rolleyes:
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    Casually, those might commonly referred to as 'swaybars', or perhaps somewhat more accurately, 'anti-sway bars'. BMW apparently refers to them as stabilizers -

    See the realoem links - multiple pictures may or may not mean there were different ones on different models. Start at the beginning with realoem.com to select the correct year and month of manufacture for your car.



    Which are you replacing, and why?
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    I don't think he's talking about sway bars, sounds like it's some kind of brace for the body

    can you get a picture of what you're referring to?
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    franzdom guest

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    You are probably correct, I'll get a photo and get back to everyone. Thanx.
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    John in VA

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    A coupe, although it could be a convertible coupe?
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    If wikipedia is correct, looks like it could be either...

    Nope, not too confusing, not too confusing at all... :cool:

    I guess it's still better than the mumble-mouthed mess of nomenclatures we're stuck with today; confusing perhaps, but at least more concise.


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