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Annoying BMW CCA Credit Card Emails

Discussion in 'Member Feedback' started by mmbmz3, Jan 29, 2009.

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    If you are annoyed as much as I am about the blast emails from BMW CCA about the credit card offer. TELL THEM SO.
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    It is a little annoying, but how else are they to get the word out? It takes about 8 different avenues before people recognize a product that is being advertised. I appreciate that they are offering this to us. I am sure some will sign up.

    The thing for me though, is that BMW's Financial arm has already beaten them to the punch. I have had a BMW Financial credit card for years. I just don't see the need to have a second BMW related card.
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    executive director

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    Annoying E Mails


    We are sorry if the e mails you received from us regarding the credit card program have been intrusive. We do our best not to send too many e mails to our members and we never allow any vendor or sponsor to e mail you directly.

    We walk a tightrope of what our members will consider informational and what they will not. I do believe this product is a worthwhile benefit of membership and that is has features many of us will enjoy. However, it may not be the appropriate card for every member and we understand that.

    While many members have asked for a card like this and have welcomed its introduction and the e mail announcing it, unfortunately the same does not hold true for everyone. All I ask is that you consider that we have 75,000 + members to disseminate information to. Some of the information we send you will want, some you will not. Programs like the one with PartnersFirst bring substantial support for the Club allowing us to provide a constant level of service without raising fees. I think we can all agree that is a benefit for everyone.

    Please be patient with us and know that we never do anything with the intent to annoy. Everyone has a different level of tolerance and there is no scientific formula that we can apply to divine that level for each of our members. I do understand your feelings and hope that you will do as I often do...judiciously apply the "delete" key.

    In the meantime we will do our best to maintain your enjoyment and satisfaction with the Club.


    Frank C. Patek, II
    Executive Director
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    Thanks Frank. I appreciate that the club offers different services to us including a credit card. Keep up the good work!

    Now we just need to get you into a BMW! :D
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    Im in...


    Good news in mid December I slid behind the wheel of a 2005 645 Ci and have been happy ever since!

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    Hey that is fantastic! :D Those are great cars! I have enjoyed driving them during the annual Koman/BMW drives. I am sure you are enjoying it on those nice country roads you have in Western SC.
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    executive director

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    Absolutely! Dan Tackett who is a club member in the San Diego Chapter and an independent dealer found this one for me and I got to drive it back to Greenville. Great car, great experience...I am having fun!

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    Glad to hear you are enjoying your new car! I am jealous that you also got to drive it across the US to get it home. What a great way to indoctrinate yourself to the BMW experience! :D I hope you opened it up a bit on those empty western roads! :cool:
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    executive director

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    They do have some very nice roads out west that lend themselves well to the enjoyment of a fine BMW. :)
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    Jeff Gomon South Central Region Vice President

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    Perhaps Frank will send you some pics....it is beautiful Alpine White.... Further, it is exactly the "proper" BMW for the Executive Director to be driving!!! :cool:

    Concerning the Credit Card e-mails...I only got 2 e-mails. I am sure with the contest featuring a chance at cash awards to chapters who sign up at least 10 and also $$ for those who sign the most, the chapters themselves are probably sending e-mails themselves. Since the easiest thing to do is just click "forward" I'm sure the same e-mail text from Frank and the National office is being resent. That would certainly make it appear like National is sending lots of e-mail.

    Our chapter will send out another reminder in a few weeks, but no more than one a month, in efforts to not have any issues. I might cut and paste some of Franks excellent points he brought up in his previous post concerning this program.

    For me, I have a BMW card that I was sent as part of my CPO purchase...I will never use it. This Partners First BMW CCA Card will feature a photo of my BMW and comes with MUCH more ancillary benefits than the other BMW card.

    Just my $0.02
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    I only got one email from 'CCA national, I guess chapters might choose their own course. Considering the nearly countless multiple identical spams I get from a ridiculous number of sources, I can't possibly complain about a single legit. email from the club containing at least potentially pertinent information. If I only had one email I considered junk to complain about on a daily basis, I'd be jumpin' for joy!
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    I do think it is great that the club offers this card to its members. I appreciate the different services and benefits that club membership provides other than Roundel and the parts discount (although those two are awesome!!)

    I think it is great that you can put your own BMW on your card! I think that is a bad idea though, I would always be pulling it out of my wallet to look at it. This would result in me using it too much or loosing it! :D

    Frank post some pics of this White 645i of yours.

    BMWtoyz guest

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    I got it four times from National. At 14% apr, no thanks!
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    executive director

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    If I got it right here is a pic of my new favorite toy.

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    That is a great looking car! Now you just need to add some Original BMW Parts graphics to it! :D
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    executive director

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    Maybe a TireRack Banner across the windshield! :)
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    Like these? :D

    M3Driver guest

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    Heck, the way most of us eat through tires (and the fact most of us order from them), they should give US a discount to display the banner....

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