The BMW Car Club of America spends nearly $25,000.00 each year to conduct its national elections. The following by-law amendment is presented to our members as a way of eliminating much of that cost in years, like this one, when there are no contested elections. Article 5. Elections Section 1. Any member may nominate a member in good standing by submitting a written nomination with both membership numbers, countersigned by the nominee. Nominees for Regional Offices and those nominating them must reside and be a chapter member in that region. Section 2. The Board of Directors may appoint a nominating committee (consisting of voting members) that may nominate any candidates for office. All nominees for office must have been members in good standing for at least six months prior to the annual meeting. Candidates for President must have prior service as a member of the Board of Directors in order to be eligible to serve as President. Section 3. No director or candidate for the board of directors may hold a concurrent position with the BMW CCA national office or as Roundel managing editor, editor-in-chief, Roundel art director and/or art director’s staff, Roundel advertising manager and/or advertising manager’s staff, or be an employee of BMW AG or its subsidiaries. Section 4. Election of officers will be held by secret ballot to be ratified at the annual meeting. Ballots will be distributed by any of several methods, including but not limited to Roundel, the US Postal Service, e-mail, or other electronic means, to the membership at least 45 days prior to date of the annual meeting. Ballots returned by mail or by electronic means, as specified on the ballot, must be received at the designated location no later than the date specified. If, when the final election tabulations are made, there exists a tie, ballots for any tied elections will be counted daily until the tie is broken for up to an additional four business days. If a tie still exists, all candidates tied for the lead will be invited to attend the Annual Meeting to witness a coin toss to determine the winner. Challenges to election results must be filed in writing with the National Office within seven (7) days of posting of the official results. Section 5. If a vacancy occurs between elections, the vacancy shall be filled by a voting member appointed by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors may, at its discretion, appoint a voting member to assume the duties of any officer who is absent or incapacitated, or otherwise unable to perform the duties of the office. Section 6. The voting member’s primary place of residency listed in the BMW CCA National Office membership records will establish the voting address for purposes of national elections. Section 7. In those elections where there is only one candidate for each and every office covered by the election the Board of Directors need not follow the provisions of Section 4 above. In such case the Board of Directors shall announce the names of the candidates running for office without opposition in Roundel; voting need not be required. The Board of Directors shall ratify the election of the candidates at the annual meeting.