I've been a club member for a year and a half and have never attended an Ofest, a club event, or even a chapter meeting. However, I live in the Atlanta area and thought it might be cool to check out Ofest. Due to work obligations I would only be able to attend on Friday and/or Saturday. Is it worth my time if I'm not participating in any of the schools or other events? Do I need to register even if I'm not participating in the formal events (a possible exception would be Bimmermeet)? I'm just trying to figure out if there's a place at Ofest for a guy like me who just wants to kick some tires, maybe watch some club racing, perhaps learn a few things about my car, and generally just hang around the event. Thanks in advance.
Hate how work gets in the way of Ofest. Most of the days require a day pass. Although on Wednesday and Friday you can come by the track and check out the vendors and watch the CR school on Wed and the Club Race on Friday. We just ask for you to sign the waiver at our registration table at the track. Thursday we have a buffet going on so you would need a day pass for that. Saturday will be the day to kick some tires and peak under hoods at BimmerMeet. If you plan on attending BimmerMeet, please register at http://www.bmwccaofest.org/BimmerMeet.phtml And the Club Race continues on the weekend in between the driving schools. And get involved with your chapter, there is more to the club than Roundel. Did I say that?
Who knows when when an O'fest will be back in your area, so I'd say it's worth checking it out since you're in the area and it's ez to pop in. Come & do what you can, you'll get a feel for things and meet some like minded enthusiasts (just make sure to chat up a few folks!); you might even come across some of the Roundel staff. If you attend the banquet, you'll get your first one under your belt, so the next one you attend, you won't have to be one of the first timers to stand and sit right back down as they progress through the traditional most-times-attendee-left-standing countdown. As Steven mentions, register for whatever you're interested in. I'd say it would be worth any club member's time who has an active interest, assuming a positive attitude. All too easy to be negative about anything if you let yourself be that way. Come on out and enjoy the experience!
Well gosh, they're not all that scary or anything... I mean, from all outward appearances they bathe and stuff... and we know they speak well because, you know, they write good. Oh sure, I know, Satch's Zoomba-like fog machine with APC (active proximity control) that follows him around constantly generating a small low layer of fog around his feet to obscure that he doesn't actually walk on water might be a bit much, but, you know... a few allowances must be made... after all, he IS the editor! (and just in case it wasn't obvious... I _am_ kidding! Everyone involved in producing such a fabulous magazine as our Roundel every single month deserve huge thanks, kudos, and congratulations for their contributions and accomplishments. And O'fest is the main annual opportunity to have a conversation with the faces and names we see every month )