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A/C unit blows fuses

Discussion in 'E53 X5 (2000-2006)' started by pldski21, Apr 28, 2011.

    pldski21 guest

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    2005 X5 4.4i Sport : A/C will not stay operational. Continually blows the 7.5 amp fuse (#48). When I install new fuse and start car unit will either operate for s short period of time or it will immediately shut off. Comments or suggestions are appreciated. Thank you~
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    A variety of possibilities; a few guesses - low on refrigerant, bad a/c compressor or compressor clutch, some sort of short somewhere in the fuse circuit, maybe something like a bad a/c switch...... and so on. If you don't have the means to troubleshoot it yourself, get it to someplace that can.

    pldski21 guest

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    The car is CPO warrantied until August 2011. Would the compressor or compressor clutch be something covered under the warranty ?
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    Don't know CPO warranties, so I don't know! Maybe somebody here does.....

    cwbiii guest

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    Depend's upon which warranty...

    There are several warranties... the least of those may not cover that. Your best bet is to take it to the BMW (or call) dealer you deal with and ask if it is covered, or pull up your warranty agreement and see if you can determine if you do. It may depend upon what part has failed as well whether or not it is covered... either way you are going to need it serviced, especially as it gets warmer. The sooner the better since something may not have completely failed yet and could fail rather dramatically if you wait to fix it.


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