The A/C in my 1994 525i went out the other day. Worked great one day, not a spec of cool air the next. My first thought is that the refrigerant needs to be recharged. I use to do this to my Mazda truck. I did my research, have the correct refrigerant, my tester gauge, found the low side pressure port. Started the car, turned A/C on max and tested with gauge. Sure enough nothing registered. Then got the refrigerant and started to fill. In no time a foul smelling "smoke" started coming up from the passenger side front corner. Of course I stoped immediately. Smoke continued to come up. I turned off the A/C and smoke stopped. Turned it back on and smoke started again. So I am thinking ok, it must be a busted hose or something and that is the refrigerant leaking. Then I noticed a green liquid dripping on the pavement underneath the passenger side front and I hear a hissing sound from the same area. I asked myself "is that antifreeze?" But I use the BMW coolant which is blue. Did I just kill my car? Thanks, Kristen
I'm pretty sure you didn't I'm pretty sure you didn't kill your car. I'm not terribly schooled on AC systems, but it sounds as though you have a complete rupture somewhere in the system, possibly at the condensor or dryer which are at the front of the car. Check them closely for a break in the lines.
Thanks! Thanks Greg! I was afraid to drive for a day or two. Silly me But it is running fine. I guess I am a bit down because I just had a complete inspection done (not cheap) and when I picked the car up, the radio no longer works properly and now the A/C dies. Not having much luck. But it is running great.