My 95 M3 has 173,000 I have noticed a ticking, I brought to a BMW dealer to have it checked. They are claiming that it has a defective oil pump, defective lifter and defective head gasket. They estimated the repair at $5,000 Ouch! They also claim the oil pump and/or the lifter could stop at any time causing catastrophic damage to the engine. Is the ticking a common problem with this motor and is it something that needs to be repaired or is it just a nuisance? If it needs to be repaired should the repair be $5,000? Also is it worth investing in the repair or looking for another M3? Looking for opinion
Sounds like the 3 of those together would cause a lot more than just a ticking sound. It wouldn't hurt to get a second opinion. And as far as selling it or fixing it, well that really depends on how much you love that car.
My 95 M3 had a ticking noise as well. I had two opinions, one was timing chain and the other was a top end rebuild. Both thousands of $$. I researched the web and found You Tube to be helpful. There was one in particular that had the same noise I was hearing. It was the VANOS. I also found a third opinion that it might be the VANOS. After replacing, the noise is gone and fuel mileage is up. Also, google VANOS and you will find several aftermarket replacements and rebuilds, much cheaper than dealership or mechanic shops. I would get another opinion and ask their thoughts on the possibility of the VANOS. Good Luck.
I got a second opinion from a specialty european auto mechanic, he said it is the VANOS. I am not a mechanic but very handy, os the VANOS easy to install? What did you pay for yours?
This is the VANOS unit on the car, so I'm sure you can guess what amount of work is involved by looking at this:
Check the Pelican parts DIY on headgasket replacement and you will have a idea of the work involved, the site is: Octavio
I have just rebuilt the top of the engine, with the ticking you have talked about. The VANOS should be rebuilt along with a new valve gasket, plugs, coils, and you might as well paint the valve cover yourself if it is in disrepair as mine was on the 95M3. Your might be a newer year and the VANOS cover is more durable. Go to bessain systems(sp?) or google it for the VANOS rebuild. Their installations are METICULOUS, every step in detail is described, all the tools you need, torque specs., etc. It came out perfect. No noise, smooth MID-RPM range. good luck. abfisch