Good Evening All, I am about to purchase a '95 525iT w/ 175k but well documented maintenance history as a project that I also plan on driving (almost) daily as a replacement for my '86 Saab 900 SPG which I plan on selling. Initially, my plans were to add 18" M-Parallel wheels and lower as I wanted to improve the handling and avoid the strange look that would result from adding the larger wheels and add the Dinan engine and transmission software. I would greatly appreciate any tips or advice on this. I do not want to "slam" the car to the ground as I live in Pittsburgh where the roads can often be akin to those of a third world country but do seek the look and performance benefit. I am also noticing that while there are several spring options for the E34 sedan, it seems few are available for the touring. I believe the shocks have been replaced at some point but should I still replace with Bilstien sports or can that wait? Any advice/info regarding this project or the procurement of parts would be extremely helpful. Thanks in advance.
Eighteen-inch wheels and tires will cause you more grief in your urban jungle and not offer any increase in real handling or performance over a good set of 16" wheels with decent rubber. Those are the facts, particularly applicable to your low-powered Touring with the automatic tranny. Saying that, 17's might be a good compromise between the handling you say you want and the look you obviously desire. Now if you're honest and say you just gotta have the cool look of Eighteens, then we can carry on from there in helping you out, realizing ultimate handling isn't really the goal. NTTAWWT! Everyone loves a hot-looking touring.
i recently sold a 95 touring(525) and had lowered suspension installed. it was racing dynamics springs and bilstien sports valved to their specs. althought it looked way cool it rode like crap over most road imperfections. I also had 17x8 style 19s which were fine. if you really wanna lower the car i'd go with a progressive setup like eibach pro series, e34 m5 stock springs or m tech springs. i believe the m5 stock springs will give you the most ride comfort. i'd also go no larger than 17s based on the info you gave. the ultimate upgrade would be to convert it to 5spd. good luck bro
I have a '92 525iT that has a Low Slung Sport spring set that I bought quite a few years ago. Check out There is quite a bit of information on the Touring suspension. I have the Bilstein HD shocks with 17" wheels and 235/45ZR17 tires. My Touring gets a lot of compliments as you don't see many around. The car handles well for a big vehicle. I've modified my Touring a bit - Powerdyne supercharger, AA chip w/41lb injectors, 5speed manual transmission, 3.46 LSD, & a Supersprint exhaust are among the other updates. Good luck with the Touring. Myron M Ft Worth, TX
Thanks for the info. I do have to admit that I do very much like the look of the 18" M-parallel on the Touring despite the fact that there may not be a performance benefit to the 18" ( thanks for calling me out BMWCCA1), although I would consider 17" throwing stars. Does anyone know where I might find eeither of these wheels(i.e. someone selling a set in reasonably good condition)? Also, the sites I visited advised that Eibach makes NO springs for the touring. Is this still correct or is the info dated? If this is still the case, does anyone know of a source for either the "Low Slung Sport Springs" or the Racing Dynmics springs as it seems the H&R kit might be too aggressive? Thanks again for helping me out.
While it may seem a crazy spot to direct you towards, check out and post your questions in the General Conversation area. Many owners there also have E34 tourings. You might find some wheels in the For Sale/Wanted - Parts area.
If you look around on the website, there are part numbers and a very thorough article on lowering an E34 Touring. I recall getting my LSS springs through Maximillian Imports. It's been a long time since I did the Touring suspension so I do not know if they still get those parts from Germany.
There are virtually no aftermarket springs that fit your desires because touring only lowering springs are pretty much nonexistant these days. Go for the M-tech springs. You can try or or call up Brain at BMW of Chattanooga. You don't want 18s. If you get 17s get some lightweight ones (the T-stars are a good choice because they are light and forged so they will have a better chance at living through the rough roads.) I'll be running 16s on my wagon once the cold weather goes away. Realistically, how much lower do you want to go? If you can measure and post that figure, I could suggest a spring for you.
Also, DO NOT buy Bavarian Auto springs. I put a set on the rear of the wagon because I had them lying around. I took them off the next day.
I have run probably 6 or 7 different sets of wheels on my 1995 525iT. I have a set of 18 inch staggered M Parallels from an E38 as well as a set of 17X8 M Systems (T Stars). The M Systems are my favorite with the Parallels a close second. I lowered the car on B&G lowering springs with Bilstein HD's. The car rides extremely well on the M Systems and a bit harsher on the Parallels. I bought my springs from and have been quite happy with the look and the ride. M Parallels M Systems Style 5's E60 Wheels
You have a great looking car there! I the like the first three wheels a lot with the M Parallel being my favorite. Not a big fan of the E60 wheels or most of BMW's newly designed wheels for that matter.
Yeah, I feel the same way. I just got a steal of a deal on the E60 wheels and couldn't pass them up. I have since sent them on for someone else to enjoy. Still have all the others, but rolling the M-Systems with no covers and love them.
UUC recently started selling lowering springs for the E34 M5 Touring. They are progressively wound which should provide softer initial response to bumps. I have not tried them yet on my 1995 525iT touring but am seriously considering them. I currently run M Tech springs as described in the article mentioned by an earlier post. I have Bilstein HD strut inserts and shocks and I am running E38 16" basket weave wheels with Bridgestone RE960 AS tires for daily driving. The drop is not as aggressive as H&R and Eilbach options for the E34 sedan but the ride is controlled and compliant over less than perfect secondary roads in NJ. My next step is to install M5 Touring sway bars and see how I like that with the M Tech springs. The UUC M5 lowering springs will come after that if I am still curious or feel the need. FWIW, I have already had a professional install a 5 speed manual conversion and I am getting ready to install an S52 this spring or summer.
Thank you all for your insight! I have gone ahead with the Eibach Pro-Kit springs. The article indicated that Eibach made no springs for the Touring; however, the information appears dated as I located them from several sources for around $250 - I ordered mine from and also carried the kit to fit the Touring. The car is now riding on staggered 18" M-parallel wheels as well with 265-35/18's in the rear and 235-40/18's up front. The ride, while stiffer than stock is EXCELLENT - slightly stiffer than my e39 with sport package but not unreasonably harsh despite lousy Pittsburgh roads.
Thanks. Yours looks great also. I have been looking for the euro plate mounting kit with no luck. Also where did you find the lower valance for the air dam? Below are the pics I have now. Quality is not great as I took them outside my office with my BlackBerry but they arent too bad.
I got the Euro plate mount off of fleabay for less than $10. I usually turn my nose up at putting generic parts from eBay on my car, but this is actually pretty nice for the money. Seller was carpartswholesale. Looks like they still have them, but price is up to about $20. Valence is from a 90's Volvo, cut to fit. Picked it up at a salvage yard for about $5. Love your pics!