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Discussion in 'E30 (1984-1993)' started by jeanm, Feb 25, 2010.

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    Throw some ss brake lines on there while you're at it :D; you might consider using something to support the calipers instead of just hanging them by the brake lines until they're re-mounted - zip-ties, wire hanger, etc. Good luck w/ the rest of the project, sounds good so far!

    jeanm guest

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    I will eventually do that (ss lines), all lines have been replaced not too long ago with just new oem stuff.
    I usually use a couple zip-ties, not sure why I didn't do it this time, you are absolutely right!

    On another note. I made some progress today. Sanding , sanding and more sanding still left to do.

    This is what I had to start with, used front and sides...rear was new so didn't require much sanding.


    Anyway, the front valance had what looks like 4-5 layers of paint in areas. I used about 3 cans of SEM bumper stripper before using 320 grit paper.

    Bubbling old paint after spraying it with SEM can... this is coat #1.

    Here you can see previous coats of paint showing.... FUN

    jeanm guest

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    After some sanding

    and more sanding still


    jeanm guest

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    Will probably spend another couple of hours sanding it tomorrow and it will be ready for paint! Can't ****ing wait.


    Rear is on the car, almost ready for paint as well.

    And I haven't even started on the skirts yet....
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    Every time I see an M-Tech I kit I die a little knowing that I can't afford it... :(

    jeanm guest

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    It took me many months to track down major pieces...I had the plastic conversion before and it just didn't look right w/o a rear valance....


    Front is fitted for the first time to see how it all fits. I need to get more hardware, somehow I came up short and need more square / flat bolts.

    Trim will come off tomorrow before painting, I'll do the same with rear.



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    I hate doing body work. I don't envy you at the moment. Car is looking good though.
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    If you found yourself an M-Tech I kit, I'm sure you wouldn't mind doing it at all!
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    looks good, should look great with paint

    z31maniac guest

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    Coming from the guy that just did an S50 swap...............

    ...........had you done the work yourself, you'd have the money left over for an MTech I kit!!!!
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    My project took me over a year to collect money for!
    That, and every time there is an M-Tech I kit available, naturally THAT's when I don't have the money for it. It's always that I do, that none are for sale. Of course!

    Also look at simple logic:
    S50 swap = veeeeeeeeery important. Perfectly functional, does its job, which is a primary function of the vehicle.
    M-Tech I kit = veeeeeeeeeeery not important. Looks gorgeous, but that's all it does; serves no function of the vehicle other than aesthetics.

    You can see why I chose to spend the $$ on the swap instead;
    But don't you worry, an M-Tech I kit IS coming soon enough, now that the important (mechanical) bits are done. OEM or fiberglass, I don't care! One way or another...

    jeanm guest

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    Same here, I had to skip on any visual stuff till after the swap was done. Function > Form.

    Started the day by taking the valances/bumpers off to remove the trim.



    car is dirty slut


    then mounted the bumpers/valances back on the car


    jeanm guest

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    and started by taping the car off




    jeanm guest

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    jeanm guest

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    jeanm guest

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    Surface sanding marks etc show through the first light coat



    Then you wait for it to dry..... and look at the skirts I have to finish sanding tomorrow FTL....


    Now goes on 2nd coat... now this is better


    jeanm guest

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    It also hides the 320grit sanding marks...




    jeanm guest

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    Does not hide 320grit stuff completely...clear will take care of that...


    Then you stare at the stuff as you wait before you can spray the clear...


    jeanm guest

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    and you watch some Red Planet on AMC while you wait some more....




    now we are getting somewhere....



    jeanm guest

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    While it's not perfect, it is more than good enough since this isn't a show car by any means



    Tomorrow I have to take these off the car, mount the trim and replace the a/c fan with the spal fan...

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