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Discussion in 'E46 (1999-2006)' started by Touring525i4dawgs, Jun 10, 2019.

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    Touring525i4dawgs '02 525it M sport

    Post Count: 263
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    So my brother is looking for a new car. He lives in Massachusetts so there are snow issues. Was wondering how a 325xi would be for him? What are the big pitfalls of that car? Thanks
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    Post Count: 2,416
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    Common issues are oil leaks from the valve cover gasket, oil filter housing gasket, oil pan gasket. Axle boots in the front tear open from aged rubber. Coolant system is problematic and if not replaced should be. Oil separator needs to be upgraded to cold weather kit for his area.
    Touring525i4dawgs and MGarrison like this.

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