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323ci noob

Discussion in 'E46 (1999-2006)' started by Michael Bee, Mar 29, 2010.

    Michael Bee guest

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    New member but not a forum noob. I just bought a 2000 323ci from the original owner (a friend) with 143k on the clock. She is nice but a bit rough around the edges...

    See, my friend did NOT maintain this car much past oil changes, brakes, and items that needed to be done that would've prevented him from driving. There is no rust, several dings, some slight cracks in the leather sport seats. I've made a short (HA) list.

    - hoses
    - water pump
    - thermostat
    - belts
    - clutch/flywheel (ACK!)
    - tires

    Anyone have some advise for a noob? I'm new to the world of the e46 model but not BMWs. I recently returned a 2008 Z4r from lease and I currently drive a 2008 X3 6m and a 1980 VW Scirocco.... ;)

    Any thoughts are welcome as soon as Fri comes and I physically have the car I'll snap some pics.
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    The hit parade of common E46 foibles: http://www.bimmerfest.com/wiki/index.php?title=BMW_E46#What_should_I_look_out_for.3F

    Other things that spring to mind:
    • O2 sensors - service life is 100,000 miles. If your friend never replaced them, expect them to fail any minute.
    • Coolant expansion tank & support bracket - If you plan to replace hoses, water pump and thermostat in one go, add these to the list if you can afford it (around $150 for both IIRC). They will fail eventually (mine lasted about 200K, most don't).
    • Valve cover gasket may start to leak soon, if it hasn't already. Easy DIY repair but take care to do it right or it will spring a leak again before long.
    • Buy the Bentley manual if you haven't already! (See "do it right," above. ;))
    • Fuel filter?
    • Parking brakes may need adjustment
    • Find out whether it had a basic tune-up at/near 100K (spark plugs, all filters, etc.); if not, do it now.
    • Shocks and struts are probably getting pretty tired by 143K...your call.
    • The 5th/reverse gear detents may get sticky with age. Symptom: Difficult to shift into 5th and/or reverse when cold; shift lever does not spring back to neutral position (hangs up to the right, toward 5th). Symptoms go away when the gearbox is good and hot. There is a service bulletin for this. If yours is affected, tackle it when you replace the clutch or it will cost a fortune (need to drop the trans).
    • Power steering hoses on E46s are somewhat leak-prone, check for seepage from time to time.
    At 143K the next service due is probably an Inspection I, around 150K or so. You can DIY that with the Bentley manual's help but since the car is new to you, it might be worth paying a dealer or indy shop to do your first one. They will likely come back with quite a laundry list of things that "need attention" and a staggering cost to go with them (above that of the inspection service). If so, do not panic--that is the point of an inspection, to find the worn-out/wearing-out stuff. :) You can always get an itemized quote and tackle it on your own terms (DIY/over time).

    Those are the big-ticket high-mileage items I can think of, off the top of my head.

    Michael Bee guest

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    WOW! Such great info in that link. Thanks!

    I found out this morning an indy shop did some work from 125k - 140k including:

    -p/s pump
    -02 sensor (2 of them?)
    -spark plugs
    -oil lever switch ?
    -ignition switch
    -air/fuel/cabin filter
    - tstat and gasket
    -tail light circiut ?
    -sway bar links

    I will purchase a Bentley as it has always helped me in the past with several Type 44 Audis and of course my Mk1 Scirocco.

    I will have the car physically in my possession by Friday this week! Hopefully my X3 does not get jealous. ;)

    Michael Bee guest

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    I'm getting the wheel bearing underway by next week. I found an OEM car cover on CL for 30bucks...

    I really need to get this registered to see what I've got,




    a pic near my '08 X3... (the leased X3 knows it's days are numbered)


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