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30 Great Things about E30's

Discussion in 'E30 (1984-1993)' started by MGarrison, Oct 16, 2008.

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    I actually have one to add.

    You can start an E30 without pressing the brake in or the clutch (assuming it's in neutral). Can't do that with a newer car from another make! (At least not that I know of...)

    I fear this thread no longer contains only 30 items. :)
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    I don't have to top it if I'm in front of it. I just watch it recede in the mirrors ... [IMG]

    dixie_kuma@yahoo.com guest

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    I could go on and on!

    Here is ten things I love about my match box car.
    1.Bmw heritage
    2..Xrayed welds
    3..Computer chips used for Apollo thirteen
    4..Zinic coated nuts and bolts
    5..Three and nine handle in the steering wheel
    6.The front end doesnt dive down when I stand on the brakes
    7..Stark black cockpit
    8..The accessories to the ultimate driving machine are out standing!
    9..Strong Glass
    10.Nice ass
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    Brian A

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    Springboarding off of this idea in "Things don't like...", a great thing about E30s is that it seems like you can drop/lose about half the screws holding the interior together and everything still seems to stay in place. There is so much redundancy and overbuild.
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    Take my right door panel, for example. And the plastic piece that's under my instrument cluster (stays in without any of the nuts!). And only two screws holding the top part of the metal thing that the glovebox latch latches into. And the fact that my instrument cluster itself only has about 4 screws holding it together and it's sturdy. And the center console has no screws holding it in whatsoever and it doesn't move. And my driver's side seat only has 3 bolts holding it in (it works but slides a little bit - getting this fixed tomorrow!). And... and... !!
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    Brian A

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    LOL. There are a few critical nuts though (get that seat fixed!) such as the single nut that holds the steering wheel on the steering column. Don't wanna forget to replace that one.
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    Yeah, we don't want anyone running around with a loose nut behind the wheel.
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    oooo.... ow! :eek:

    Two cannibals were sitting there, eating a clown. You know what the one cannibal said to the other?

    A: "Does this taste funny to you?"
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    Always count on Marshall to provide lame but slightly amusing jokes. :D

    Nah, my steering wheel nut is as tight as my old elementary school principal. As for the one in front of the wheel; well, I haven't found a socket large enough to adjust the screw in my brain. :p
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    LOL, you would think there would be a law!!! :D
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    This might sound weird, but I love the aqua green color of the fog light indicator. Oh, another small thing: I get a thrill every time I walk towards my car and see those classic lines.
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    Brian A

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    The fuel flap lock that is part of the central locking system is kinda cool.

    UKFan4Sure guest

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    All of the above are why MY e30 will always be in my garage!!
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    Oh come on, that doesn't do it justice. Having a car to not use it should be blasphemy!
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    I think what he meant was he will always own an E30. He didn't say museum. I will too and yes it will be garaged! :D

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