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2011 X5 or 2012 X5?

Discussion in 'E70 X5 (2007-2013)' started by RK Elks, Mar 5, 2011.

    RK Elks guest

    Post Count: 8
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    New to BMW CCA; joined after purchasing a 335i. This has been one of the most fun vehicles I've ever owned... so much that I am now in negotiations to trade my 2008 Range Rover Supercharged in on a new diesel X5. However, I am now being told that the 2011 X5's are just about done taking orders and will be able to order 2012 X5s here within the week. What do I do? Has anyone studied up on what the 2012 is bringing to the table that's new (other than the packages and base options differences)? I know the base will include several options as standard that the 2011 had to be added... but the 2012 base MSRP is a bit higher; so almost a wash.

    BMW is taking my Range on trade but the number they gave me is only good for up to 30K miles... I am at 29K & change now so need to make a decision soon (if I intend on getting the max value out of my trade).

    Any advice/suggestions will be greatly appreciated!

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    Post Count: 409
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    BMW made an error and released pricing on the 2012 X5 diesel to dealers last week in a bulletin showing the upgrades to the X5 line for 2012. A couple of days later they corrected the bulletin saying only the gas models go into production as 2012 in April. The diesels stay as 2011 under the same current pricing until about September.

    If you order a new X5 gas model today it will be built as a 2012. If you build a diesel it will still be a 2011 for several more months.

    Check with your dealer. If they've been paying attention by now they'll realize they gave you the wrong information.

    Syrupflow guest

    Post Count: 47
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    Not that I don't love BMW ( quite obviously I do) and I happen to think the new X5 is a terrific piece of machinery. My wife has an '11 X5 3.0. But would you really rather an X5 over your range?

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