I am organizing the production of an E28 BMW calendar for CY2010 and need your photos! Details and the photo upload form are located at www.e28calendar.com. If your photo is chosen to be printed in the calendar, I will send you a free calendar. Judging and production dates will be announced. If you have any questions, please feel free to email or PM me.
9 Days to go! To date, I have received photos from 23 individuals. What does this mean? That means that as of now, over half of the individuals who have submitted photos will have their photos featured in the calendar and will receive a free calendar. Those are pretty good odds. Too good, if you ask me. So, what do you have to lose? Send me some pictures! Please! Also, please note, if you have submitted a photo or photos recently and they still aren't showing up on the website, don't worry. I have received them and they will be posted shortly. Thanks!