I recently purchased a 2008 335i convertible that did not come with the pas through hatch from the trunk to the rear seat. Is this something that can be retrofitted as opposed to simply cutting out a hole in the plate between the trunk and the rear seat (which does fold down to expose a small indented storage area) ? Thanks
BMW does not make a kit to retrofit one and I have never heard of one in the aftermarket. Especially because of the convertible being in the way of one.
I did not think they made a retrofit kit but was wondering if the parts from a sedan pass through could be made to fit the convertible. There is room to utilize the lower portion of it given that the indented stroage area behind tha rear seat back is about the same size
Im not sure if the sedan will work with a convertible. I also think your car has extra braces behind the rear seat with the roll over protection system.