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2005 330i ZHP CPO

Discussion in 'E46 (1999-2006)' started by rwohleb, Jun 22, 2008.

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    Two years ago, I paid just $27,000 for my ZHP with just less than 35,000 miles on the clock. It had 1.5 years of factory warranty left, plus CPO warranty. I did a lot of shopping around, and could have bought one for less, without the CPO warranty. However, I drive almost 30K miles/year, so time and miles aren't on my side. The CPO warranty has saved me a good chunk of money already, and was well worth the added expense.

    BMWs are expensive to repair, I wouldn't own one without a warranty. When mine hits 100,000 miles, it'll be time to sell.

    Looking at the offer he made you, it's pretty reasonable. Though, calculate the difference between 2.9% and 3.9% financing. The drop to $25K but a bump in 1% probably puts it right around $27K.

    MSRN guest

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    330 ZHP 'issues', MT vs. Steptronic

    Any opinion on MT vs. Steptronic in a 330 ZHP? I found an '05 off-lease for $19,450 with 41k miles on it, and warranty thru 2010; my only quibble is that it's Steptronic, and I wonder how much that will hamper its performance and mileage. (Not that Steptronic's ALL bad....I lived with it in my '02 325iT until that nice man forgot to look where he was going, and totalled my car). And what kinds of issues are you seeing in the ZHPs? Does the lower clearance of the M-suspension cause anyone problems in snow? Up here in the frozen North (gawd, I sound like Sarah Palin...ewww), we worry about things like that.

    BTW...DSC + Blizzaks rock in heavy snows!
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    I'm in Wisconsin and have had no snow issues. In the winter I run a 16" wheel with Hakkapellita tires. Traction has never been an issue. The balance of the car with the grip of the tires is very confidence inspiring. It's difficult to stick to the speed limit even in the snow. However, watchout for the ruts. They'll take the car and throw it in directions you didn't intend. If you can drive like a sane person in the snow, it's no more of a problem than in any car.

    zibbyzibs guest

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    I have a 2004 330 ZHP vert. It is a fantastic car, but horrble in the snow. I took it out once and will never repeat. Other than that, it is the best car I have driven. I would pay the extra to get the ZHP over the regular 330.:)

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