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2003 325ic starting issues

Discussion in 'E46 (1999-2006)' started by mlf100, Feb 5, 2012.

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    Post Count: 1
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    Hello all, new member with a new - used 325ci. Love the car but it has issues starting after sitting for a while. Seems to be worse when cold outside. Had the car at Russel BMW for a major service and they checked out the battery / electrical system and found no issues. The car does crank and tries to start. I'm convinced it is a fuel delivery issue. When the car does start, it runs great. Any ideas on what to have the shop look at would be greatly appreciated.
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    steven s

    Post Count: 2,509
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    Original battery?
    I wonder if they tested the electrical system after it's been outside all night instead of a nice warm toasty garage if their results would have been different?
    My money is on a new battery.

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