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'09 heated steering wheel

Discussion in 'E90/E91/E92/E93 (2006-2011)' started by 306065, Oct 17, 2008.

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    I have an '08 335i sedan with cold weather package. I understand the '09 cold weather package includes a heated steering wheel. Does anyone know if the heated steering wheel can be back-fit to my '08?
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    Waiting also

    I have the E92 and was wondering the same thing.

    LionRampant guest

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    It may be technically possible, but most speculate that it would require some additional wiring and replacement of the steering column and wheel.

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    I wear gloves. Try them.
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    I'm not sure what's involved with retrofitting for a heated steering wheel, but I just got my 09 328i with one and I use it every morning. Boy, is it SWEET. No more cold hands for me!;)

    BIMMIR guest

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    It's only money - we'll make more! Anything can be done if you don't mind paying for it.
    I have a heated wheel on my 07 X3 and I thought it was a little silly when I first saw it. BUT, oh baby, what a nice feature this winter. I don't know if I would do the spend to change it, unless maybe I could do the work myself.
    I imagine you'd need to buy a new wheel, and maybe a new button panel on the wheel. I'd think your air bag could be reused if you get the right new wheel. I've read other posts about wheel changes, and depending on where you source the parts and get the work done, it's probably not as expensive as you might think. :)

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