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01 330 CIC Tire Pressure?

Discussion in 'E46 (1999-2006)' started by RussSwift, Oct 29, 2008.

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    Recently replaced rear tires, they were cupping and sounded like a cement mixer behind me. Repair shop and garage where I had four wheel alighment found no problems with rear suspension. Tire shop said that low tire pressure probably caused the cupping (after only 15K miles), and that the front tires were just starting to cup, and that the tire pressure on these type of low profile tires should be higher than what is normally recommended. Any comments or confirmation? Is 29 and 33 psi not enough? Or should I just check tire pressure more often to ensure they remain at 29 and 33. In advance, thanx for any comments or suggestions. Love this car. VR, Russ
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