We bought a 97 Z3 about a year ago. Yesterday I was going to rotate the tires due to some wear on the rears. When I attempted to remove the left...
It is a very simple and inexpensive mod, that merely takes advantage of BMW's fuel/air management system, which is excellent in it's own right....
"Fogged" airbox mod for Z3 You might want to check http://www.mz3.net/articles/149.html. I "Fogged" my 97 Z3 1.9l and love the results. It cost...
I've looked at the "Hard Dog" website, and personally like the design somewhat better than the hoops. Does yours have the diagonal brace? Are...
I plan to take my 97 1.9L Autocrossing, but I would really like to enjoy my Bimmer at its full potential, eg. HPDE, Time Trials, Club Racing, etc....
Suspension parts aside, the engines are the same, yes?
Since the Z3 is based on the E36 platform, are most parts interchangable? It seems like there are more aftermarket posiblilties for 318's than 1.9L...
Thanks for the advice. I am actually hoping for some clear days to cruise the neighborhood, so not putting the car on jack stands would be much more...
Unfortunately, Colorado DOT believes in the merits of Magnesium Chloride regarding melting ice on roadways. While it might eat through ice, it also...
We ended up having to replace a bad injector. A scan tool is on my shopping list. Thanks for the feedback.
"Fogged" My airbox is now "fogged", and it's the best $30. I've spent in a long time. I'm saving for a GTech as we speak, so I have no hard data....
Mr. Fogg leads one to believe that the best filter for his system is OEM. I was thinking that the stock exhaust would be the next to see the scrap...
I'm considering an airbox mod known as the "fogged" airbox. The idea was posted on mz3.net. Any feedback or opinions would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks again, Paul. Pulled the battery cable, and everything seems to be back to normal, with no CEL.
Thanks a lot. If it doesn't work, we will take it to a local shop for further investigation. Our Membership Dues have already paid for...
It was for all 4.
We own a 97 z3 brought from Atlanta to Eagle, CO. After a week of daily driving (200 mile approx) Check Engine light came on & it started running...
We own a '97 Z3 1.9l w/ 42k. Somewhere around 40k we had a similar stall, sputter, backfire issue. It turned out to be a problem with the injector...
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