Thanks for the advice! Car has been put up for a while, so i haven't thought about it too much lately. It does still happen though. I took it to...
Thanks again for all the help on this one. I decided not to go forward with the purchase. I looked at the carfax and also found it had not been...
Just called up my dealer and they do in fact do pre-purchase inspections. They said they look over it as if they were going to certify it. That is...
Thanks for the info! It does look like they were installed using grease of some kind. The Bushing looks like it has slid forward and backward on...
Hi everyone, I am looking at purchasing a 2001 325I for $9K delivered. It has 86K on it, manual, no rust, looks and runs decent. I noticed however...
Hi All, Just thought I would reach out to the community and see if anyone may have some ideas for me on an issue I have been having lately. Over...
Hi All, Wondering if any of you have this same issue...? I have a Bilstein coil over kit with aluminum control arms. As you might know, you can't...
Would that make a sound when the steering wheel is not being turned? The sound is made while rolling, and I noticed it while rolling to a stop at a...
Heh... all I can say is DOH! :)
How did you find out the details of your cars production? I am interested in finding out for mine as well.
Yeah, I plan to. To many mechanical issues to fix first. I already have the paint and sand paper. So I am ready to go. But I keep having issues...
Ok, got the rack replaced. Not too difficult. While I was at it, I replaced the control arm bushings with urethane as well as both wheel hubs...
Hi All, I am about to replace the steering rack on my 95 M3 and I am wondering if anyone has done this and if there are any tips or tricks I should...
Don't have any experience with the UUC kit, but I have a kit from Autosolutions which very much reminds me of the Z3 shifter. Still quite nice and a...
Yeah, I did call them. They aren't much help even though the neighbors car is scratched exactly where it should be if he were to have hit my car the...
Nice, sounds like there are some cool events. I know what you mean on the scuffing. I was thinking I might try sand blasting them quickly....
Thanks for the info, i will check it out. Nice job on the 318, that looks fantastic! On a side note I am also a member of the Delaware valley...
I agree with you on the OEM, only problem for me at the moment is the spare cash. Paint for now, replace later, is kind of the theory I am working...
I was looking at just buying new strips. If im not mistaken that will cost roughly 200 - 300 bucks for all the parts.. I am thinking I will just...
Hi All, I am pondering a small issue with my 95 M3. Photo below. As you can see it has been painted all yellow, including the side trim that...
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