I would call a good body shop in your area and see if there is a reputable upholstery shop. Either that or one of those "bmw specialist" dealers...
Well I consider "low" to be anything under 100K so it hasn't been that hard to find them, just not around here for some reason - we have great...
I'm in Raleigh, NC and I've been looking for an E36 M3. Most of the ones around here for sale have too many miles. I have a couple of...
I went to the meeting last thurs. night and it sounded like there was still room, but I'm a brand new member also who hasn't attended one of these...
My best friend (who has an 03 325xi) introduced me to the club and I have yet to find my car - until then I have to pull up the e-brake to get the...
Welcome! at least you're an enthusiast who already has a car.... I've been searching for a little while for my first BMW. Until that great day I'll...
That picture's been around for a while - the story I saw originally was that the owner was on vacation.. I'd hate to come home to that!
I just got my first issue as well! I was amazed by how long it took me to read everything - I'm not used to that much substantial text in a...
Vmo is an aeronautical engineering term (Velocity max operating) It sounds impressive, but I fly old slow airplanes and drive old slow cars (so I...
I never really thought about that with the aluminum radiators, but it would seem to make sense. Sometimes the cheaper option is more suited to your...
I'm so jealous - I'll be joining you soon though! Perfect choice on the color.
I love the e30's. If I could afford (to maintain) one of the m's I'd do it in a heartbeat. Very nice car!
Thanks a bunch! I participated in the Ultimate Drive when it came to Raleigh and got to meet a couple of members (and just as importantly the new...
Well I'm officially jealous! Plus isn't yellow kind of rare for an e36? Have fun with it - Someone here will post the buyer's guide for e36 m3's...
Hey everybody! I had asked around about joining a good car club that had an active event base and helpful and knowledgeable members, and bmw cca...
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