convoy Congrats on your new purchase. I live in NY and I have not mapped out my route yet. I will post it when I know. let me know if anyone on this...
east coast convoy Hi, I read your post and I am interested in joining in on a convoy to Oktoberfest. Please keep me posted. Last year I traveled to...
my problem does not exist only when it is cold out. It occurs year round when first starting the car in the morning. It seems I need to take a trip...
I have a 528i with the M package. I always wanted an M bumper on the car. I was told that the putting the M bumper on my car required a lot of work...
The same thing happens to my E39. The answer I received was that it was probably due to a leak in one of the hoses. I had it checked twice and it was...
HID condensation - I do not see the light I have a 2000 E39 with factory Xenon setup. My production date is 5/00. I have condensation in my light...
Wow, very thorough Mr. Kreiger and helpful as well. I will check these sites out this week and report back.
Any news on additional places to stay or additional blocks of rooms being added at the Osthoff for 2010 'Fest?
Osthoff Resort Just got off the phone with Resort and there is only 2 one bedroom suites left. According to them they are not planning on making...
S50 swap Don't get me wrong; if you want to do the swap, think of how awesome it'll be to have a S54-powered E46 sedan! It's kind of like why I'm...
all in cost So if my all in cost runs $15,000 covering, engine, suspension, wheels, brakes, tranny and exhaust (am I missing anything?),...
How do I find out what my options are and the cost of those options to replace an engine in this car? Can I repower it with an M engine? should I go...
When is it taking place and where? When can I make my reservations? I can't wait.
are full face helmets required for auto cross or can i go with an open front for maximum ventiation and visibility?
How much should a helmet cost me? I do not want to spend a lot of money on one. There is nothing left after getting my car ready. Any suggestions on...
Deos anyone else have this problem or is there a way to save my settings? I find myself resorting the list of vehicles and locating where I was in...
I now have two (including myself) people leaving on Tuesday 9/29. If you are interested on driving down with us, let me know so I can give you...
I just went through the very same question with my post. I am the '4 new tires - practical with good perormance' guy. You should read that threard...
I see that there are varying opinions on my question and I do appreciate both sides. I currently have a set of Continental Contisport tires on my car...
I see these items advertised in Roundel and I am curious how effective they are and if any additional mods are required. I would also appreciate...
Separate names with a comma.