Are these parts of a major engine refresh, or are these all CSL specific parts?
What did you order?
I tried my hand at writing an article for Roundel last year. I'll leave future articles to the other monkeys.
So how are you enjoying your M3?
A Roundel article about this US CSL built would be great!!
The drive is half the fun. The Houston Road Monkeys went 2,500 to get to Monterey, CA for this years event. Trip back was only 1,800 miles as we...
I don't know what he's talking about. We just saw the car like that. That might have been a Chitown Chimp. Houston Road Monkey's use Texas...
:) We tried. We got on John for passing up post offices in really small towns. As a single driver car, it was hard for him to write and drive,...
Well I don't think the DE/weather issue will be a problem, as I understand there isn't a DE planned for 2014.
I have about 1,200 photos of our trip, with about 500 from the track. I have to filter through all the pictures, but here is pic of Satch's car,...
Where is the link to see who is registered hiding? Last year it was under the details for the week on the registration homepage.
I too am the associate to my wife's primary account. Steve - I tried to register and then register my wife as my associate, and it said I don't have...
Polo and jeans are fine for most nights. Friday dinner is usually a little dressier. Dress shirt, but no tie and khaki by most.
So is it less than 92db from 50 feet away, or less than 92 db at the exhaust, but they measure from 50 feet away and extrapolate the lost sound...
Impressive build. I've been watching for a few months, and you have put together a great project!
That P car keeps crushing that front splitter, but is running out front. Did you get one of the omlettes :D Def less coverage of the GT class.
Aren't they still using the S62 V8 from the E39 M5? Turner cars not doing so well, and the non- 01 DP BMW cars aren't doing too well.
Hopefully highs of only 90 degrees since it's in early June.
Have fun with the fuel and the P-car. Hopefully you have a BMW shirt on under the fire suit, so show off your true colors;)
I hear ya. I'm trying to get some track time in the E36 before COTA, and then decide if I need to go ahead and get a second set of tires to make...
Separate names with a comma.