Success! Sold this car to a nice young couple for $3500
Luck Wish me luck, have a guy coming by for the 2nd time to look my car.
Perfect This worked perfect! Total cost for me was $130 total. My old seat had two snapped metal pieces and a set of gears stripped. D@mn glad I...
Not Doing It I know myself well enough to know when I am in over my head. Found a guy that has done lots of bmw seat work and will do this for me...
Solution Think I have the solution. The fabric on my seat is fine. Found a seat with the leather in horrible shape but the rest is fine. Going to...
Ebay I totally screwed up on that, the day I posted this someone found me a seat on Ebay, exactly what I needed but I got cheap (stupid) and tried...
I apologize I completely didn't see your information above. Sorry for wasting your time on this twice. I appreciate the help greatly. Thanks!!!
Still no luck Trying to sell my E30 and not having much luck with that seat broken. Anyone know of one I can buy or where I can do to look?
Four Door An thanks for the love but it is an automatic. :)
Going to Sell I am definitely going to part with this car. Fronton - Tried to call you and left a message and sent you a message. I will...
Not having any luck Ok, I messed up and didn't get those seat off ebay. Been calling around and not finding anything under 375-550. Anyone got a...
Question Found some 325is/318is sports seats. Does anyone know if they will fit into my 1991 325iX sedan? Also, does anyone know if E30 325i seats...
Ok, thanks, I will keep looking.
Fair Price? I found a non sport seat for $225+$85s/h. Is this a fair price? Thanks!
Ok, you have me sold on this. What special mounting kit do I need and how tough of a job is this?
Everyone - Thanks for all the input. I have been hunting around for salvage seats and not having a ton of luck. On the Vaders I have found...
Will this impact my airbag at all?
Will swapping seats work given that there are some seat controls on the outside which would put those controls on the inside?
At this point I don't care. Tried that link and the item has been removed. I am needing a black driver side for a sedan. Heated if possible. My...
I have a 325ix 1991 and am in need of a black heated seat. Anyone have one for sale or can point me where I can get one?
Separate names with a comma.