I think this has beed done before, I search this or post this question on North american motering,
Keep in mide while the car has super low miles and is probably in impeccable condition , cars need fluids, belts, bushings, ect. over time...
You have to find the person that's on the hunt for a car with the options you have and, this color combo, and you might be able to get 11K- 13K. It's...
I'm thinking of making the plung and buying an E46-M car This is helpfull info, ty
The Minni's are great cars. They offer plenty of cargo room, good on gas, fantastic handling, and and are very reliable. Mine is more of a weekend...
Hi, Tim. I forgot to mention, my dealer told me that I was not eligible for a CCA discount, because I was getting the .09% financing for 36...
It has been two weeks with the X 3 and about 450 miles. 350 miles were around town and about 100 on the hwy, and boy do I miss my 540........
I had this issue with my e39 540ia. After many calls to BMW-NA, they offered to pay for the part, if I payed for the labor to have it installed....
If you dont get the instructions, try posting on bimmerboards, or bimmerfest.
It sounds like we will be happy withe either vehicle, thanks for your input. I put a (refundable) deposit on an 2006 X 3 yesterday. It's...
Based on less fuel, probably less expensive to take care of over time, I think we will go with the CPO X3 we saw today. It should be able to...
It is frustrating when I am behind an SUV and cant see anything infront, very annoying, so I can see the X 3 being more friendly to the other...
Good idea :D
I like the way your thinking, the more I give in now the more I can ask for later :D Is there any info on reliability of the x3 vs the 4.4,...
Thanks for the feedback! Size is not as much as a factor as coast of ownership and reliability. In the future (maybe 2 years) I may get a...
When I test drove the six cylender x5 it felt underpowered, so I figure, that if I go with an x5 it should be the 4.4 liter. The 2006 x3 and...
The reality is, I have an 05 JCW Mini its still under service and covered by the stealership, so it made more since to get rid of the 01 vs. an...
My 2001 540ia (sport) was sold and I am said she is gone, but my wife and I are expecting our first and she wants an SUV/ SAV :( . My question is...
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